232 Driving and Operating(LCA), and/or the Front AutomaticBraking (FAB) System can help toavoid a crash or reduce crashdamage.Forward Collision Alert(FCA) SystemIf equipped, the FCA system mayhelp to avoid or reduce the harmcaused by front-end crashes. Whenapproaching a vehicle ahead tooquickly, FCA provides a flashing redalert on the windshield and rapidlybeeps or pulses the Safety AlertSeat. FCA also lights an ambervisual alert if following anothervehicle much too closely.FCA detects vehicles within adistance of approximately 60 m(197 ft) and operates at speedsabove 40 km/h (25 mph). If thevehicle has Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC), it can detect vehicles todistances of approximately 110 m(360 ft) and operates at all speeds.See Adaptive Cruise Control 0 217.{ WarningFCA is a warning system anddoes not apply the brakes. Whenapproaching a slower-moving orstopped vehicle ahead too rapidly,or when following a vehicle tooclosely, FCA may not provide awarning with enough time to helpavoid a crash. FCA does not warnof pedestrians, animals, signs,guardrails, bridges, constructionbarrels, or other objects. Be readyto take action and apply thebrakes. For more information, seeDefensive Driving 0 180.FCA can be disabled with the FCAsteering wheel control, or if yourvehicle is equipped with AdaptiveCruise Control (ACC), throughvehicle personalization. See the“Auto Collision Preparation” portionof “Collision/Detection Systems”under Vehicle Personalization0 147.Detecting the Vehicle AheadFCA warnings will not occur unlessthe FCA system detects a vehicleahead. When a vehicle is detected,the vehicle ahead indicator willdisplay green. Vehicles may not bedetected on curves, highway exitramps, or hills, due to poor visibility;or if a vehicle ahead is partiallyblocked by pedestrians or otherobjects. FCA will not detect anothervehicle ahead until it is completelyin the driving lane.{ WarningFCA does not provide a warningto help avoid a crash, unless itdetects a vehicle. FCA may notdetect a vehicle ahead if the FCAsensor is blocked by dirt, snow,(Continued)