134 Instruments and ControlsPolarized sunglasses could makethe HUD image harder to see.HUD ViewsThere are four views in the HUD.Some vehicle information andvehicle messages or alerts may bedisplayed in any view.Speed View : This display gives thespeedometer reading (in English ormetric units), speed limit, AdaptiveCruise Control speed, LaneDeparture Warning, and VehicleAhead indicator. Some informationonly appears on vehicles that havethese features, and when they areactive.Audio/Phone View : This displaysthe speed view along with audio/phone information. The current radiostation, media type, and incomingcalls will be displayed when activeon vehicles equipped with thesefeatures.All HUD views may briefly displayaudio information when the driveruses the steering wheel controls toadjust the audio settings appearingin the instrument cluster.Incoming phone calls appearing inthe instrument cluster, may alsodisplay in any HUD view.Navigation View : This displayincludes the information in thespeed view along with Turn-by-TurnNavigation information in somevehicles. The compass heading isdisplayed when navigation routing isnot active.Navigation Turn-by-Turn Alertsshown in the instrument cluster mayalso be displayed in any HUD view.Performance View : This displaysthe speedometer reading, rpmreading, transmission positions, andgear shift indicator.Care of the HUDClean the inside of the windshield toremove any dirt or film that couldreduce the sharpness or clarity ofthe HUD image.