68 Seats and Restraints5. To make the lap part tight, pullup on the shoulder belt.To unlatch the belt, push the buttonon the buckle. The belt shouldreturn to its stowed position.Always stow the safety belt slowly.If the safety belt webbing returnsquickly to the stowed position, theretractor may lock and cannot bepulled out. If this happens, pull thesafety belt straight out firmly tounlock the webbing, and thenrelease it. If the webbing is stilllocked in the retractor, see yourdealer.Before a door is closed, be sure thesafety belt is out of the way. If adoor is slammed against a safetybelt, damage can occur to both thesafety belt and the vehicle.Shoulder Belt Height AdjusterThe vehicle has a shoulder beltheight adjuster for the driver andright front passenger seatingpositions.Adjust the height so the shoulderportion of the belt is on the shoulderand not falling off of it. The beltshould be close to, but notcontacting, the neck. Impropershoulder belt height adjustmentcould reduce the effectiveness ofthe safety belt in a crash. See Howto Wear Safety Belts Properly 0 65.Press the release button and movethe height adjuster to the desiredposition. The adjuster can be movedup by pushing the slide/trim up.After the adjuster is set to thedesired position, try to move it downwithout pushing the release buttonto make sure it has locked intoposition.Automatic Safety BeltTightening SystemThe vehicle may have the AutomaticSafety Belt Tightening System.Each time the vehicle is started withthe front safety belts buckled, thesystem activates once to tighten the