66 Seats and RestraintsIt is very important for all occupantsto buckle up. Statistics show thatunbelted people are hurt more oftenin crashes than those who arewearing safety belts.There are important things to knowabout wearing a safety belt properly.. Sit up straight and always keepyour feet on the floor in frontof you.. Always use the correct bucklefor your seating position.. Wear the lap part of the belt lowand snug on the hips, justtouching the thighs. In a crash,this applies force to the strongpelvic bones and you would beless likely to slide under the lapbelt. If you slid under it, the beltwould apply force on yourabdomen. This could causeserious or even fatal injuries.. Wear the shoulder belt over theshoulder and across the chest.These parts of the body are bestable to take belt restrainingforces. The shoulder belt locks ifthere is a sudden stop or crash.{ WarningYou can be seriously injured,or even killed, by not wearingyour safety belt properly.. Never allow the lap orshoulder belt to becomeloose or twisted.. Never wear the shoulderbelt under both arms orbehind your back.. Never route the lap orshoulder belt over anarmrest.Lap-Shoulder BeltAll seating positions in the vehiclehave a lap-shoulder belt.If you are using a rear seatingposition with a detachable safetybelt and the safety belt is notattached, see Rear Seats 0 61 forinstructions on reconnecting thesafety belt to the mini-buckle.The following instructions explainhow to wear a lap-shoulder beltproperly.1. Adjust the seat, if the seat isadjustable, so you can sit upstraight. To see how, see“Seats” in the Index.