Vehicle Care 271front. If the warning does not comeback on, continue to drive normallyand have the cooling systemchecked for proper fill and function.If the warning continues, pull over,stop, and park the vehicleright away.If there is no sign of steam, idle theengine for three minutes whileparked. If the warning is stilldisplayed, turn off the engine until itcools down.Washer FluidWhat to UseWhen windshield washer fluid isneeded, be sure to read themanufacturer's instructions beforeuse. If operating the vehicle in anarea where the temperature may fallbelow freezing, use a fluid that hassufficient protection againstfreezing.Adding Washer FluidOpen the cap with the washersymbol on it. Add washer fluid untilthe tank is full. See EngineCompartment Overview 0 252 forreservoir location.Caution. Do not use washer fluid thatcontains any type of waterrepellent coating. This cancause the wiper blades tochatter or skip.. Do not use engine coolant(antifreeze) in thewindshield washer. It candamage the windshieldwasher system and paint.(Continued)Caution (Continued). Do not mix water withready-to-use washer fluid.Water can cause thesolution to freeze anddamage the washer fluidtank and other parts of thewasher system.. When using concentratedwasher fluid, follow themanufacturer instructions foradding water.. Fill the washer fluid tankonly three-quarters full whenit is very cold. This allowsfor fluid expansion iffreezing occurs, which coulddamage the tank if it iscompletely full.BrakesDisc brake pads have built-in wearindicators that make a high-pitchedwarning sound when the brake padsare worn and new pads are needed.The sound can come and go or be