Vehicle Care 323corrosion. Larger areas of finishdamage can be corrected in yourdealer's body and paint shop.Chemical Paint SpottingAirborne pollutants can fall uponand attack painted vehicle surfacescausing blotchy, ring-shapeddiscolorations, and small, irregulardark spots etched into the paintsurface. See “Finish Care”previously in this section.Interior CareTo prevent dirt particle abrasions,regularly clean the vehicle's interior.Immediately remove any soils. Notethat newspapers or dark garmentsthat can transfer color to homefurnishings can also permanentlytransfer color to the vehicle'sinterior.Use a soft bristle brush to removedust from knobs and crevices on theinstrument cluster. Using a mildsoap solution, immediately removehand lotions, sunscreen, and insectrepellent from all interior surfaces orpermanent damage may result.Your dealer may have products forcleaning the interior. Use cleanersspecifically designed for thesurfaces being cleaned to preventpermanent damage. Apply allcleaners directly to the cleaningcloth. Do not spray cleaners directlyon any switches or controls.Cleaners should be removedquickly. Never allow cleaners toremain on the surface beingcleaned for extended periodsof time.Cleaners may contain solvents thatcan become concentrated in theinterior. Before using cleaners, readand adhere to all safety instructionson the label. While cleaning theinterior, maintain adequateventilation by opening the doors andwindows.To prevent damage, do not cleanthe interior using the followingcleaners or techniques:. Never use a razor or any othersharp object to remove a soilfrom any interior surface.. Never use a brush with stiffbristles.. Never rub any surfaceaggressively or with excessivepressure.. Do not use laundry detergents ordishwashing soaps withdegreasers. For liquid cleaners,use approximately 20 drops per3.8 L (1 gal) of water.A concentrated soap solution willleave a residue that createsstreaks and attracts dirt. Do notuse solutions that contain strongor caustic soap.. Do not heavily saturate theupholstery when cleaning.. Do not use solvents or cleanerscontaining solvents.Interior GlassTo clean, use a terry cloth fabricdampened with water. Wipe dropletsleft behind with a clean dry cloth.Commercial glass cleaners may beused, if necessary, after cleaningthe interior glass with plain water.