24 In Brief. Inside the storage area underthe armrest cover.. On the rear of the centerconsole, if equipped.These outlets are powered while thevehicle is in ON/RUN/START orACC/ACCESSORY mode, or untilthe driver door is opened within10 minutes of turning off the vehicle.Lift the cover to access theaccessory power outlet.See Power Outlets 0 107.SunroofIf equipped, the sunroof will onlyoperate when the ignition is in ON/RUN/START or ACC/ACCESSORY,or when Retained AccessoryPower (RAP) is active. See IgnitionPositions 0 193 and RetainedAccessory Power (RAP) 0 197.The driver side switch (1) operatesthe sunroof.Vent : Press and release the rearof the switch (1) to vent the sunroof.The sunshade will automaticallyopen approximately 38 cm (15 in).Press and hold the front of theswitch (1) to close the sunroof vent.Express Open/Express Close :With the sunroof in the ventposition, press the rear of theswitch (1) a second time to expressopen the sunroof. Press the front ofthe switch to express close thesunroof. To stop the sunroofpartway, press the switch (1) again.The passenger side switch (2)operates the sunshade. Press andrelease the front or rear of theswitch (2) to express open orexpress close the sunshade. Tostop the sunshade partway, pressthe switch (2) again.See Sunroof 0 49.