Driving and Operating 235Warning (Continued). Detect all vehicles,especially vehicles with atrailer, tractors, muddyvehicles, etc.. Detect a vehicle whenweather limits visibility, suchas in fog, rain, or snow.. Detect a vehicle ahead if itis partially blocked bypedestrians or other objects.Complete attention is alwaysrequired while driving, and youshould be ready to take actionand apply the brakes and/or steerthe vehicle to avoid crashes.FAB may slow the vehicle to acomplete stop to try to avoid apotential crash. If this happens, FABmay engage the Electric ParkingBrake (EPB) to hold the vehicle at astop. To release automatic braking,release the EPB or firmly press theaccelerator pedal.{ WarningFAB may automatically brake thevehicle suddenly in situationswhere it is unexpected andundesired. It could respond to aturning vehicle ahead, guardrails,signs, and other non-movingobjects. To override FAB, firmlypress the accelerator pedal, if it issafe to do so.Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA)IBA may activate when the brakepedal is applied quickly by providinga boost to braking based on thespeed of approach and distance toa vehicle ahead.Minor brake pedal pulsations orpedal movement during this time isnormal and the brake pedal shouldcontinue to be applied as needed.IBA will automatically disengageonly when the brake pedal isreleased.{ WarningIBA may increase vehicle brakingin situations when it may not benecessary. You could block theflow of traffic. If this occurs, takeyour foot off the brake pedal andthen apply the brakes as needed.FAB and IBA can be disabledthrough vehicle personalization. See“Auto Collision Preparation” in“Collision/Detection Systems” underVehicle Personalization 0 147.{ WarningUsing FAB or IBA while towing atrailer could cause you to losecontrol of the vehicle and crash.Turn the system to Off whentowing a trailer.