Lighting 161To manually turn the reading lampson or off:Press m or n next to eachoverhead console reading lamp.Press the lamp lenses over the rearpassenger doors.Lighting FeaturesEntry LightingThe headlamps, taillamps, licenseplate lamps, dome lamps, and mostof the interior lights turn on briefly atnight when K is pressed on theRemote Keyless Entry (RKE)transmitter. See Remote KeylessEntry (RKE) System Operation 0 29.After about 30 seconds the exteriorlamps turn off, then the dome andremaining interior lamps dim to off.Entry lighting can be disabledmanually by changing the ignitionout of the OFF position, or bypressing Q on the RKE transmitter.This feature can be turned on or off.See “Vehicle Locator Lights” underVehicle Personalization 0 147.Exit LightingSome exterior lamps and interiorlights come on at night, or in areaswith limited lighting, when the driverdoor is opened after the ignition isturned off. The dome lamp comeson after the ignition is changed tothe OFF position. The exteriorlamps and dome lamp remain on fora set amount of time, thenautomatically turn off.The exterior lamps turn offimmediately by turning the exteriorlamp control off.This feature can be changed. SeeVehicle Personalization 0 147.Battery LoadManagementThe vehicle has Electric PowerManagement (EPM), whichestimates the battery's temperatureand state of charge. It then adjuststhe voltage for best performanceand extended life of the battery.When the battery's state of chargeis low, the voltage is raised slightlyto quickly bring the charge back up.When the state of charge is high,the voltage is lowered slightly toprevent overcharging. If the vehiclehas a voltmeter gauge or a voltagedisplay on the Driver InformationCenter (DIC), you may see the