Seats and Restraints 69safety belts when the forwardvehicle speed exceeds thethreshold for activation.The system also activates duringemergency braking and/or suddendriving maneuvers and releaseswhen driving conditions return tonormal.The system turns off wheneverCompetitive Driving Mode isactivated, and will turn back onwhen Competitive Driving Mode isdeactivated. See CompetitiveDriving Mode (V-Series Only) 0 211.The system will not activate if theTraction Control/Electronic StabilityControl system is not functioningproperly. See Traction Control/Electronic Stability Control 0 206.If there is a problem with theAutomatic Safety Belt TighteningSystem, a message displays on theDriver Information Center (DIC). SeeSafety Belt Messages 0 145. Othersafety belt functions are not affectedby the Automatic Safety BeltTightening System.Safety Belt PretensionersThis vehicle has safety beltpretensioners for front outboardoccupants. Although the safety beltpretensioners cannot be seen, theyare part of the safety belt assembly.They can help tighten the safetybelts during the early stages of amoderate to severe frontal, nearfrontal, or rear crash if the thresholdconditions for pretensioneractivation are met. Safety beltpretensioners can also help tightenthe safety belts in a side crash or arollover event.Pretensioners work only once. If thepretensioners activate in a crash,the pretensioners and probablyother parts of the vehicle's safetybelt system will need to be replaced.See Replacing Safety Belt SystemParts after a Crash 0 70.Rear Safety Belt ComfortGuidesRear safety belt comfort guides mayprovide added safety belt comfortfor older children who haveoutgrown booster seats and forsome adults. When installed on ashoulder belt, the comfort guidepositions the belt away from theneck and head.Comfort guides may be availablethrough your dealer for the rearoutboard seating positions.If available, instructions are includedwith the guide.Safety Belt Use DuringPregnancySafety belts work for everyone,including pregnant women. Like alloccupants, they are more likely tobe seriously injured if they do notwear safety belts.