52 Seats and RestraintsHead RestraintsIf equipped with base seats, thevehicle’s front seats have adjustablehead restraints in the outboardseating positions.If equipped with high performanceseats, the vehicle’s front seats havehead restraints in the outboardseating positions that cannot beadjusted.{ WarningWith head restraints that are notinstalled and adjusted properly,there is a greater chance thatoccupants will suffer a neck/spinal injury in a crash. Do notdrive until the head restraints forall occupants are installed andadjusted properly.If equipped with base seats, adjustthe head restraint so that the top ofthe restraint is at the same height asthe top of the occupant's head. Thisposition reduces the chance of aneck injury in a crash.Front SeatsIf equipped, the vehicle's front seatshave adjustable head restraints inthe outboard seating positions.The height of the head restraint canbe adjusted.To raise or lower the head restraint,press the button located on the sideof the head restraint, and pull up orpush the head restraint down andrelease the button. Pull and push onthe head restraint after the button isreleased to make sure that it islocked in place.