INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 109lever returns to its starting positionwhen released. See Rear CameraMirror 0 47.CompassThe vehicle may have a compassdisplay on the Driver InformationCentre (DIC). The compass receives itsheading and other information fromthe Global Positioning System (GPS)aerial, StabiliTrak ® , and vehicle speedinformation.The compass system is designed tooperate for a certain number of milesor degrees of turn before needing asignal from the GPS satellites. Whenthe compass display shows CAL, drivethe vehicle for a short distance in anopen area where it can receive a GPSsignal. The compass system willautomatically determine when a GPSsignal is restored and provide aheading again. See Compass Messages0 141 for the messages that may bedisplayed for the compass.ClockThe infotainment system controls areused to access the time and datesettings through the menu system.See “Home Page” in the infotainmentmanual for information about how touse the menu system.Setting the ClockTimeTo set the time:1. From the Home Page, touch theSETTINGS screen button, thentouch Time and Date.2. Touch Set Time, then touch + or− to increase or decrease hoursor minutes, and change AMor PM.3. Touch 12-24 Hr for a 12 or24 hour clock.4. Touch 0 to go back to theprevious menu.DateTo set the date:1. Touch the SETTINGS screenbutton, then touch Timeand Date.2. Touch Set Date, then touch + or− to increase or decrease month,day, or year.3. Touch 0 to go back to theprevious menu.Auto SetWhen on, the time and date willautomatically update.To set auto set:1. Touch the SETTINGS screenbutton, then touch Timeand Date.2. Touch Set Time or Set Date.3. Touch Auto Set, then selectOn-Cell Network or Off-Manualto manually set the timeand date.4. Touch 0 to go back to theprevious menu.