2 INTRODUCTIONIntroductionThe names, logos, emblems, slogans,vehicle model names, and vehiclebody designs appearing in this manualincluding, but not limited to, GM, theGM logo, CADILLAC, the CADILLACEmblem, and CT6 are trademarks and/or service marks of General MotorsLLC, its subsidiaries, affiliates,or licensors.This manual describes features thatmay or may not be on the vehiclebecause of optional equipment thatwas not purchased on the vehicle,model variants, country specifications,features/applications that may not beavailable in your region or changessubsequent to the printing of thisowner manual.Refer to the purchase documentationrelating to your specific vehicle toconfirm the features.Keep this manual in the vehicle forquick reference.Using this ManualTo quickly locate information aboutthe vehicle, use the Index in the backof the manual. It is an alphabeticallist of what is in the manual and thepage number where it can be found.Danger, Warning, andCautionWarning messages found on vehiclelabels and in this manual describehazards and what to do to avoid orreduce them.{ DangerDanger indicates a hazard with ahigh level of risk which will resultin serious injury or death.{ WarningWarning indicates a hazard thatcould result in injury or death.CautionCaution indicates a hazard thatcould result in property or vehicledamage.A circle with a slash through it is asafety symbol which means “Do Not,”“Do not do this,” or “Do not let thishappen.”SymbolsThe vehicle has components andlabels that use symbols instead oftext. Symbols are shown along withthe text describing the operation orinformation relating to a specificcomponent, control, message, gauge,or indicator.