254 VEHICLE CAREcentre, familiar with legalrequirements regarding used coolantdisposal. This will help protect theenvironment and your health.Checking CoolantThe vehicle must be on a level surfacewhen checking the coolant level.Check to see if coolant is visible in thecoolant surge tank. If the coolantinside the coolant surge tank isboiling, do not do anything else untilit cools down. If coolant is visible butthe coolant level mark is not visible,add a 50/50 mixture of clean,drinkable water and DEX-COOLcoolant at the coolant surge tank tothe top rib on the middle of the tank,but be sure the cooling system is coolbefore this is done. See EngineOverheating 0 255.The coolant surge tank is located inthe engine compartment on thepassenger side of the vehicle. SeeEngine Compartment Overview 0 247.How to Add Coolant to theCoolant Surge TankCautionThis vehicle has a specific coolantfill procedure. Failure to follow thisprocedure could cause the engine tooverheat and be severely damaged.If no problem is found, check to see ifcoolant is visible in the coolant surgetank. If coolant is visible but thecoolant level is not at the indicatedlevel mark, add a 50/50 mixture ofclean, drinkable water and DEX-COOLcoolant at the coolant surge tank, butbe sure the cooling system, includingthe coolant surge tank pressure cap, iscool before you do it.{ WarningSteam and scalding liquids from ahot cooling system can blow outand burn you badly. Never turn thecap when the cooling system,including the surge tank pressurecap, is hot. Wait for the coolingsystem and surge tank pressure capto cool.{ WarningAdding only plain water or someother liquid to the cooling systemcan be dangerous. Plain water andother liquids, can boil before theproper coolant mixture will. Thecoolant warning system is set forthe proper coolant mixture. Withplain water or the wrong mixture,the engine could get too hot butyou would not get the overheatwarning. The engine could catchfire and you or others could be(Continued)