136 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSFuel Range : Shows the approximatedistance the vehicle can be drivenwithout refuelling. LOW will bedisplayed when the vehicle is low onfuel. The fuel range estimate is basedon an average of the vehicle's fueleconomy over recent driving historyand the amount of fuel remaining inthe fuel tank.Average Fuel Economy (BaseCluster) : Shows the approximateaverage litres per 100 kilometers (L/100 km) or miles per gallon (mpg).This number is calculated based onthe number of L/100 km (mpg)recorded since the last time this menuitem was reset. This number reflectsonly the approximate average fueleconomy that the vehicle has rightnow, and will change as drivingconditions change. The Average FuelEconomy can be reset by pressing andholding SEL while this display isactive.Instantaneous Fuel Economy : Showsthe current fuel economy in eitherlitres per 100 kilometers (L/100 km)or miles per gallon (mpg). Thisnumber reflects only the approximatefuel economy that the vehicle hasright now and changes frequently asdriving conditions change.Average Speed : Shows the averagespeed of the vehicle in kilometers perhour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph).This average is calculated based onthe various vehicle speeds recordedsince the last reset of this value. Theaverage speed can be reset by pressingand holding SEL while this display isactive.Timer : This display can be used as atimer. To start the timer, press SELwhile this display is active. Thedisplay will show the amount of timethat has passed since the timer waslast reset. To stop the timer, press SELbriefly while this display is active andthe timer is running. To reset thetimer to zero, press and hold SELwhile this display is active.Compass (Uplevel Cluster) : Showsthe direction the vehicle is driving.Driver Efficiency Gauge : Guide todriving in an efficient manner bykeeping the ball green and in thecentre of the gauge. Hard braking oracceleration cause the ball to travelaway from the centre of the gauge.Traffic Signs : Shows detected trafficsigns.Speed Warning : Allows the driver toset a speed that they do not want toexceed. To set the Speed Warning,press SEL when Speed Warning isdisplayed. Press y or z to adjust thevalue. This feature can be turned offby pressing and holding SEL whileviewing this page. If the selectedspeed limit is exceeded, a pop-upwarning is displayed and a chime maysound.Cruise Set Speed : Shows the speedthe cruise control or Adaptive CruiseControl is set to.Driver Assistance (UplevelCluster) : May show information forLane Keep Assist (LKA), LaneDeparture Warning (LDW), AdaptiveCruise Control (ACC), and ForwardCollision Alert (FCA). The displayshows if there is a vehicle detectedahead, and the current FCA timingsetting. In addition, when ACC is not