230 DRIVING AND OPERATINGThe vehicle ahead indicator willdisplay amber when you are followinga vehicle ahead much too closely.Selecting the Alert TimingThe Collision Alert control is on thesteering wheel. Press [ to set theFCA timing to Far, Medium, or Near,or on some vehicles, Off. The firstbutton press shows the current settingon the DIC. Additional button presseswill change this setting. The chosensetting will remain until it is changedand will affect the timing of both theCollision Alert and the TailgatingAlert features. The timing of bothalerts will vary based on vehicle speed.The faster the vehicle speed, thefarther away the alert will occur.Consider traffic and weatherconditions when selecting the alerttiming. The range of selectable alerttimings may not be appropriate for alldrivers and driving conditions.If your vehicle is equipped withAdaptive Cruise Control (ACC),changing the FCA timing settingautomatically changes the followinggap setting (Far, Medium, or Near).Unnecessary AlertsFCA may provide unnecessary alertsfor turning vehicles, vehicles in otherlanes, objects that are not vehicles,or shadows. These alerts are normaloperation and the vehicle does notneed service.Cleaning the SystemIf the FCA system does not seem tooperate properly, cleaning the outsideof the windscreen in front of therear-view mirror, and cleaning thefront of the vehicle where radarsensors are located, may correct theissue.Forward AutomaticBraking (FAB)If the vehicle has Forward CollisionAlert (FCA), it also has FAB, whichincludes Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA).When the system detects a vehicleahead in your path that is travelling inthe same direction that you may beabout to crash into, it can provide aboost to braking or automaticallybrake the vehicle. This can help avoidor lessen the severity of crashes whendriving in a forward gear. Dependingon the situation, the vehicle mayautomatically brake moderately orhard. This forward automatic brakingcan only occur if a vehicle is detected.This is shown by the FCA vehicleahead indicator being lit. See ForwardCollision Alert (FCA) System 0 228.The system works when driving in aforward gear between 8 km/h (5 mph)and 80 km/h (50 mph), or on vehicleswith Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC),above 4 km/h (2 mph). It can detectvehicles up to approximately 60 m(197 ft).