96 SEATS AND RESTRAINTS4. To tighten the belt, push downon the child restraint, pull theshoulder portion of the belt totighten the lap portion of thebelt, and feed the shoulder beltback into the retractor. Wheninstalling a forward-facing childrestraint, it may be helpful to useyour knee to push down on thechild restraint as you tightenthe belt.If the child restraint system hasa lock-off mechanism, use it tosecure the vehicle safety belt.5. If the child restraint has a toptether, follow the child restraintmanufacturer's instructionsregarding the use of the toptether. See ISOFIX Child RestraintSystems 0 94.6. Before placing a child in thechild restraint, make sure it issecurely held in place. Push andpull the child restraint indifferent directions to be sure itis secure.To remove the child restraint,unfasten the vehicle safety belt and letit return to the stowed position. If thetop tether is attached to a top tetheranchor, disconnect it.Securing Child Restraints(With the Seat Belt in theFront Seat)This vehicle has airbags. A rear seat isa safer place to secure aforward-facing child restraint. SeeWhere to Put the Restraint 0 91.In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing system which isdesigned to turn off the frontoutboard passenger frontal airbag andknee airbag under certain conditions.See Passenger Sensing System 0 79 andPassenger Airbag Status Indicator 0 125for more information, includingimportant safety information.{ WarningNEVER use a rearward-facing childrestraint on a seat protected by anACTIVE AIRBAG in front of it;DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY to theCHILD can occur.{ DangerWhen using a child restraint systemon the front passenger seat, theairbag systems for the frontpassenger seat must be deactivated;if not, the triggering of the airbagsposes a risk of fatal injury to thechild.This is especially the case ifrear-facing child restraint systemsare used on the frontpassenger seat.