74 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSAirbag SystemAir-Bag SystemThe vehicle has the following airbags:. A frontal airbag for the driver.. A frontal airbag for the frontoutboard passenger.. A knee airbag for the driver.. A knee airbag for the frontoutboard passenger.. A seat-mounted side impact airbagfor the driver.. A seat-mounted side impact airbagfor the front outboard passenger.. A roof-rail airbag for the driverand the passenger seated directlybehind the driver.. A roof-rail airbag for the frontoutboard passenger and thepassenger seated directly behindthe front outboard passenger.All vehicle airbags have the wordAIRBAG on the trim or on a label nearthe deployment opening.For frontal airbags, the word AIRBAGis on the centre of the steering wheelfor the driver and on the instrumentpanel for the front outboardpassenger.For knee airbags, the word AIRBAG ison the lower part of the instrumentpanel.For seat-mounted side impact airbags,the word AIRBAG is on the side of theseatback closest to the door.For roof-rail airbags, the word AIRBAGis on the ceiling or trim.Airbags are designed to supplementthe protection provided by safetybelts. Even though today's airbags arealso designed to help reduce the riskof injury from the force of an inflatingbag, all airbags must inflate veryquickly to do their job.Here are the most important things toknow about the airbag system:{ WarningYou can be severely injured orkilled in a crash if you are notwearing your safety belt, even withairbags. Airbags are designed towork with safety belts, not replacethem. Also, airbags are not designedto inflate in every crash. In somecrashes safety belts are the onlyrestraint. See When Should anAirbag Inflate? 0 77.Wearing your safety belt during acrash helps reduce your chance ofhitting things inside the vehicle orbeing ejected from it. Airbags are“supplemental restraints” to thesafety belts. Everyone in the vehicleshould wear a safety belt properly,whether or not there is an airbagfor that person.