112 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSWarning (Continued)between the phone and chargingpad will become very hot. On therare occasion that the chargingsystem does not detect a metalobject, and the object gets wedgedbetween the phone and charger,remove the phone and allow themetallic object to cool beforeremoving it from the charging pad,to prevent burns.To charge a mobile device:1. Remove all objects from thecharging pad. The system maynot charge if there are anyobjects on the charging pad.2. Place the mobile device face upon the @ symbol on thecharging pad and align it to theleft wall of the charging bin.3. The ~ will display on the Von the infotainment screen. Thisindicates that the mobile deviceis properly positioned andcharging. If a phone is placed onthe charging pad and ~ doesnot display, remove the phonefrom the pad, turn 180 degreesand wait three seconds beforeplacing/aligning the phone onthe pad again.Cigarette LighterThere may be a cigarette lighter insidethe center console storage area.To use the cigarette lighter, push it inall the way, and let go. When it isready, it will pop back out by itself.CautionHolding a cigarette lighter in whileit is heating does not let the lighterback away from the heatingelement when it is hot. Damagefrom overheating can occur to thelighter or heating element, or a fusecould be blown. Do not hold acigarette lighter in while it isheating.