292 VEHICLE CARE17. Lower the jack all the way andremove the jack from under thevehicle.18. Tighten the wheel nuts firmlywith the wheel wrench.Storing a Flat or Spare Tyre andTools{ WarningStoring a jack, a tyre, or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store all these inthe proper place.To store the flat tyre and tools:1. Open the boot.2. Replace the jack and tools asthey were, originally, stored intheir container near thespare tyre.3. Replace the spare tyre cover.4. Place the tyre, lying flat, in therear storage compartment.If there is a loop on the end ofthe strap used to secure the flattyre, go to Step 5. If there is nota loop, go to Step 8.5. Route the loop end of thestrap (3) through one of thecargo tie-downs (1) in the rear ofthe vehicle.6. Route the hook (2) through theloop (3).7. Pull the strap to tighten itaround the cargo tie-down (1).8. Route the hook end of the strapthrough the wheel.9. Attach the hook to the cargotie-down in the rear of thevehicle.10. Tighten the strap.The compact spare is for temporaryuse only. Replace the compact sparetyre with a full-size tyre as soon asyou can.