DRIVING AND OPERATING 239Warning (Continued)or ice, if they are not inproper condition, or if the sunshines directly into thecamera.. Detect road edges.. Detect lanes on winding orhilly roads.If LKA only detects lane markingson one side of the road, it will onlyassist or provide an LDW alertwhen approaching the lane on theside where it has detected a lanemarking. Even with LKA and LDW,you must steer the vehicle. Alwayskeep your attention on the road andmaintain proper vehicle positionwithin the lane, or vehicle damage,injury or death could occur. Alwayskeep the windscreen, headlampsand camera sensors clean and ingood repair. Do not use LKA in badweather conditions.{ WarningUsing LKA while towing a trailer oron slippery roads could cause lossof control of the vehicle and acrash. Turn the system off.How the System WorksThe LKA camera sensor is on thewindscreen ahead of the rear-viewmirror.To turn LKA on and off, press Aon the steering wheel.When on, A is green if LKA isavailable to assist and provide LDWalerts. It may assist by gently turningthe steering wheel and display Aas amber if the vehicle approaches adetected lane marking without using aindicator in that direction. It mayalso provide an LDW alert byflashing A amber as the lanemarking is crossed. Additionally, therewill be three beeps, or the driver seatwill pulse three times, on the right orleft, depending on the lane departuredirection.The LKA system does notcontinuously steer the vehicle. If LKAdoes not detect active driver steering,an alert and chime may be provided.Move the steering wheel to dismiss.When the System Does NotSeem to Work ProperlyThe system performance may beaffected by:. Close vehicles ahead.. Sudden lighting changes, such aswhen driving through tunnels.. Banked roads.. Roads with poor lane markings,such as two-lane roads.If the LKA system is not functioningproperly when lane markings areclearly visible, cleaning thewindscreen may help.LKA assistance and/or LDW alertsmay occur due to tar marks, shadows,cracks in the road, temporary orconstruction lane markings, or otherroad imperfections. This is normalsystem operation; the vehicle does notneed service. Turn LKA off if theseconditions continue.