DRIVING AND OPERATING 229personalisation. See “Collision/Detection Systems” under VehiclePersonalisation 0 150.Detecting the Vehicle AheadFCA warnings will not occur unlessthe FCA system detects a vehicleahead. When a vehicle is detected, thevehicle ahead indicator will displaygreen. Vehicles may not be detectedon bends, motorway exit ramps,or hills, due to poor visibility; or if avehicle ahead is partially blocked bypedestrians or other objects. FCA willnot detect another vehicle ahead untilit is completely in the driving lane.{ WarningFCA does not provide a warning tohelp avoid a crash, unless it detectsa vehicle. FCA may not detect a(Continued)Warning (Continued)vehicle ahead if the FCA sensor isblocked by dirt, snow, or ice, or ifthe windscreen is damaged. It mayalso not detect a vehicle on windingor hilly roads, or in conditions thatcan limit visibility such as fog, rain,or snow, or if the headlamps orwindscreen are not cleaned or inproper condition. Keep thewindscreen, headlamps, and FCAsensors clean and in good repair.Collision AlertWith Head-Up DisplayWithout Head-Up DisplayWhen your vehicle approachesanother detected vehicle too rapidly,the red FCA display will flash on thewindscreen. Also, eight rapidhigh-pitched beeps will sound fromthe front, or both sides of the SafetyAlert Seat will pulse five times. Whenthis Collision Alert occurs, the brakesystem may prepare for driver brakingto occur more rapidly which can causea brief, mild deceleration. Continue toapply the brake pedal as needed.Cruise control may be disengagedwhen the Collision Alert occurs.Tailgating Alert