212 DRIVING AND OPERATINGSetting Cruise ControlIf J is on when not in use, SET− orRES+ could get pressed and go intocruise when not desired. Keep J offwhen cruise is not being used.1. Press J.2. Get up to the desired speed.3. Press and release SET−. Thedesired set speed briefly appearsin the instrument cluster.4. Remove your foot from theaccelerator.When the cruise control has been setto the desired speed, a green cruisecontrol indicator appears on theinstrument cluster and a cruise setspeed message appears on theHead-Up Display (HUD), if equipped.Resuming a Set SpeedIf the cruise control is set at a desiredspeed and then the brakes are appliedor * is pressed, the cruise control isdisengaged without erasing the setspeed from memory.Once the vehicle speed reaches about40 km/h (25 mph) or more, press RES+ briefly. The vehicle returns to theprevious set speed.Increasing Speed While UsingCruise ControlDo one of the following:. Press and hold RES+ until thedesired speed is reached, thenrelease it.. To increase vehicle speed in smallincrements, briefly press RES+ tothe first detent. For each press, thevehicle goes about 1 km/h (1 mph)faster.. To increase vehicle speed in largerincrements, briefly press RES+ tothe second detent. For each press,the vehicle speed increases to thenext 5 km/h (5 mph) mark on thespeedometer.Reducing Speed While Using CruiseControlDo one of the following:. Press and hold SET− until thedesired lower speed is reached,then release it.. To decrease the vehicle speed insmall increments, briefly pressSET− to the first detent. For eachpress, the vehicle goes about1 km/h (1 mph) slower.. To decrease the vehicle speed inlarger increments, briefly pressSET− to the second detent. Foreach press, the vehicle speeddecreases to the next 5 km/h(5 mph) mark on the speedometer.The cruise control system mayautomatically brake to slow thevehicle down.Overtaking Another Vehicle WhileUsing Cruise ControlUse the accelerator pedal to increasethe vehicle speed. When you take yourfoot off the pedal, the vehicle will slowdown to the previous set cruise speed.While pressing the accelerator pedalor shortly following the release tooverride cruise, briefly applying SET−will result in cruise set to the currentvehicle speed.