3. Fill in the Rows and Columns fields by either clicking on the upward pointing triangle or withinthe field to use the virtual keypad that appears.NOTEYou can also click on the Fill area... button to have the grid created automatically basedon the dimensions of the image, the size of the media, and the number of copies. If youuse this method set the number of copies first.Also, if you enter more columns and rows than it is possible to fit on the media, thefields will revert back to their previous number and turn red to alert you to thisproblem. Re-enter numbers that will allow the image to fit on the media.4. Click on the up/down triangles or in the field labelled Copies to set the number of copies required.You will see a visual representation of the grid in the Preview area and get from it an idea of howyour requested copies fit on the media. If the number of copies exceeds the size of the media youwill see how many media sheets are required displayed at the bottom of the Step and Repeatarea.5. To set a gap (if required) between the prints in the grid click on the Vertical gap and Horizontalgap fields and use the Virtual keypad to enter the size of the gaps. The Preview will display thegaps.6. When the Step and Repeat setup is complete, select the Print icon to add the job to the active listand then select Start print to send the job to the printer.NOTEIf more than one piece of media is required for the job, the carriage will return to itsparked position and wait for you to place a new piece of media, confirm media height,and select the Start print icon before it continues the job.Step and Repeat PrintingChapter 6 - How to Print in Batch and Dual Origin Modes 111