MediaIntroductionCanon has conducted extensive testing of many media. Since your printer is capable of imagingon a wide range of material, we encourage you to explore various media so that you canestablish your own criteria for achieving high quality images in your work environment.Use ICC profiles to control ink density and to help achieve consistent color. If an ICC profile is notavailable for a particular media and it is not possible or convenient to create one specifically forthat media, select an ICC profile for another media that is similar in composition and color. Foraccess to ONYX profiles (media models), please consult our web site at: https://graphiplaza.cpp.canonIMPORTANTWhen printing on reflective media perform additional printhead maintenance to prevent ink frompartially curing on the printhead nozzle plates.Storing MediaStoring Media• Store media in a dry environment avoiding high temperature, high humidity, or direct sunlight.The size of the media can change according to the temperature and/or humidity changes of theworking environment. Ideally, store media in the same environmental conditions as it will beused.• Store media flat to reduce tendency to warp. Do not use creased, damaged or warped material.See material-specific documentation for recommended handling and storage requirements.Handling Media• Handle media with lint-free gloves. Oil deposits from fingers will degrade print quality.CAUTIONLifting media (e.g. rigids) has to be done with the help of an external lifting tool.Cleaning Media• Media must be free of lint, dust, oil or other debris. Use techniques and solutions that areappropriate to the manufacturer's recommendations.• Use a tack cloth to clean media as it will reduce static buildup.NOTEDirty media can affect image quality and reliability of printer output. If you wipe the media with atack cloth before printing, it will reduce ink buildup on the carriage underside. The tack clothremoves static and also removes particles that tend to attract stray ink drops that result in inkbuildup. Tack cloths are used by auto-body shops to clean cars before painting. Canon does notprovide additional tack cloths beyond what is in the Accessory kit.Customer Application BulletinsFor additional information on various aspects of handling and managing media refer to the website Visit the web site and check the list of available bulletins.MediaChapter 4 - Operating the Printer 89