How to use the Job ManagerYou can control the order that columns appear on the job list, the width of each column, thecolumns that appear on the display, and also the sort order of the column contents.1. Control the order of columns by dragging the column header to a different position.2. Change the sort order of a column by clicking on the column header.3. Change the width of a column by clicking on the vertical line that separates column headersand dragging to the left or right.4. Chose the columns to display by right-clicking on a column header and then click on a columnname to add or remove it. Columns with a check mark will appear on the display and thosewith no check will not be seen.5. Delete print jobs by either making multiple individual selections or click the top check box todelete all jobs. When your selection is complete click the Delete selected jobs button.NOTEColumns can be set back to their original appearance by right-clicking any column head (name)and selecting Reset to default.This column management (but not the Delete function) can also be applied to the Print Job list,the Inactive Print Job List and also to the Batch Mode job list (seeBatch Mode Printing onpage 106).Tools and Utilities Module82 Chapter 3 - How to Navigate the User Interface