Move Gantry This moves the gantry from its parked position to a new location. Pressingthe icon again moves the gantry back to its home position. The Customgantry park position can be selected by the operator in the Settings tab. Itdetermines the distance the gantry moves.Raise Gantry This raise the gantry to allow placement of media that is too thick to fit un-der the default height. Before a print begins the gantry is set back to its op-erating height.Start This icon can be used to start a flatbed print job (same function as thephysical button on the table).NOTEUse of the Pause/Resume button may cause artifacts in a printbecause of the uneven curing of the ink if the job is paused. Donot use this unless it is essential that the print job is paused.Nozzle check This icon populates the active job list with a job that prints a nozzle checkpattern. The nozzle check print is used to identify nozzle dropouts that cancause banding and other print quality problems.NOTEFor information on how to use the nozzle check to troubleshootnozzle dropouts, seeChecking Nozzle Performance on page 154.6) Active Print Job ListThe active job list consists of a table, job count summary on top and job order control buttons onthe left. A job count summary displays total number of active jobs and number of jobs put onhold. Job order control buttons can be used to change order of jobs queued for printing. Theactive job list has the following features:• All incoming jobs issued from the ONYX workflow go directly into the active job list.• After a job is printed it automatically moves from the active to the inactive job list.• The operator can drag and drop jobs to move them between the active and inactive job lists(except for a job that is being prepared to print).• All the jobs are stored locally on the printer hard drive.• Selecting a job highlights the job and updates the job information area.• Jobs can be moved up/down in the active list using the button on the left. Jobs can either beprinted, held, canceled or deleted. Jobs canceled from the active list are moved to the inactivelist.• Deleted jobs are removed from the hard drive and are no longer accessible (except for SpecialPrints, which cannot be deleted).• The current job being printed can be paused or canceled. A canceled job will move from theactive to the inactive print job list.• A job count summary displays the total number of active and inactive jobs and the number ofactive jobs on hold.7) Job Placement PreviewThe table placement preview shows the print location and a proportional representation of theimage in relation to the table. The zoom button in the bottom right corner activates a popuppreview window. If a preview image is not available, an approximately sized white box is used asa placeholder, and the zoom button is not displayed.The preview image can be positioned by dragging it around the window (this will automaticallyupdate the offsets fields).Print Job Control Module66 Chapter 3 - How to Navigate the User Interface