2 Introduction Memory saving technologyMemory Reduction Technology accomplishes 1200 × 1200 dpi printing with only 4MB of memory for A4 or Letter simplex printing. Complex page data is compressedto optimize available resources. Paper handlingThe standard paper cassette holds 250 sheets of paper while the Multi-Purpose trayholds about 100 sheets of standard paper. The tray can hold a variety of media forautomatic feeding and operate as a manual feed station.In addition, there is an optional feature to greatly increase your printing capacity: a 250Sheet Paper Feed Unit PF-32. Energy savingThe on-demand fusing technology of the printer provides improved energy efficiency.Because of this power saving feature, the printer meets the guidelines for theInternational E NERGY S TAR Program. Reducing toner consumptionTo save toner, you can also select the economy mode to print rough drafts with lesstoner. The printed page is much lighter, similar to the draft mode found on many dotmatrix printers. Interface featuresThe printer has two standard IEEE 1284 compatible parallel interfaces. One supportsECP and the other supports the Compatible/Nibble protocol. With the optional adapterattached, third-party network module can be installed. TypefacesThe printer comes with 45 scalable typefaces in 14 typeface families (Agfa 45MicroType fonts) and 27 additional TrueType fonts (barcode and OCR fonts), allcompatible with application software supporting Microsoft Windows. In addition, 9bitmapped typefaces of the Line Printer family are also included. The printer uses theUniversal Font Scaling Technology (UFST) for outline fonts, provided under licensefrom Agfa-Gevaert Japan, Ltd. Also supplied with the printer are the TrueType screenfonts for 137 font solution and Canon Font Manager for easy management of installedfonts in Microsoft ® Windows ® 95/98/2000 and Windows NT version 4.0. A list oftypeface samples is provided in Appendix 1.