124 Problems and Solutions Without MessagesAnother print job starts before the current job is finished?The flow of data from the host computer has been interrupted for somereason, and a job timeout has occurred. If data is not received for aspecified length of time, the printer initiates a job timeout and terminatesthe job. After the job timeout, the printer automatically switches to theother interface when there is data waiting.You may have to increase the I/O TIMEOUT setting or disable it in thePARALLEL1 MENU or PARALLEL2 MENU (see pages 71 to 73).Data originally printed as one page now printing as two or morepages?If the time interval of the data sent by the software application to theprinter is longer than the time interval before the printer regards a job ascompleted (the time to job timeout), the printer executes a job timeout,prints out only the data that has already been received, and terminatesthe job even if it is only partially completed. If the rest of the data are sentafter the printer terminates the job, then the printer receives the data asa new job and starts printing on new pages. What was originallyformatted to print on one page has been broken up into two or morepages.You may have to increase the I/O TIMEOUT setting or disable it in thePARALLEL1 MENU or PARALLEL2 MENU (see pages 71 to 73).Printer not printing at 1200 dpi?The printer does not have sufficient memory to recreate the entire pageat 1200 dpi. Memory Reduction Technology has compressed the datato print at the highest possible resolution with the available resources.For consistent 1200 dpi printing of complex pages (i.e. pages with alarge amount of graphics), you may need additional memory. Addmemory DIMMs to your printer main circuit board (seeGetting StartedGuide).Printing stops midway during a job and won’t print the remainingpages?The flow of data from the host computer has been interrupted for somereason and caused a timeout. If no data are received for a specifiedlength of time, the job is terminated.You may have to increase the I/O TIMEOUT setting or disable it in thePARALLEL1 MENU or PARALLEL2 MENU (see pages 71 to 73).Printing overlapPrinting pagesPrinting resolutionPrinting stops