1317Responding to Error MessagesA memory overflow has occurred.The printer has received more data than it can hold in the availablememory on the printer. This can occur if too many soft fonts, macros orcomplex graphics are sent to the printer.If AUTOCONT is ON (CONFIG MENU), the print job will resume after 10seconds. If AUTOCONT is OFF, you must press Go and the job willcontinue printing, although data may be lost. Simplify the print job bydeleting unnecessary fonts or macros from the printer memory, or addadditional memory to the printer (seeGetting Started Guide).The printer is using MRT Compression, with the possibility of printquality degration (lossy compression).MRT means memory reduction technology and refers to the hardware andsoftware technologies required to reduce the amount of memory neededto print complex pages. No action required.This message is displayed when RESET=MENU is selected in theRESET MENU.No action required.This message is displayed when RESET=PRINTER is selected inthe RESET MENU.No action required.No toner cartridge is installed in the printer, or the toner cartridgeis not installed correctly.Replace the toner cartridge or, if a toner cartridge is installed, removeit and insert it again. Ensure the toner cartridge is positioned correctly.This is an error caused by a RAM (DIMM) installed in the printer.An optional RAM has failed its startup diagnostic check. The optionalRAM must be reinstalled or replaced.A paper jam has occurred in the printer.Remove the jammed paper. The top cover must be opened and closedto resume printing. Press Go to put the printer back on-line (see page136).This message is displayed when SHOW PAGE COUNT is selectedin the TEST MENU, where #### is the total number of pages thathave been printed by the printer.No action required.The printer is off-line.Press Go to take the printer on-line.TONER CARTMISSINGRESETTINGPRINTERRESTORINGDEFAULTSMEMORY ( )OVERFLOWMRT COMPRESSIONOPTION RAM ERRORPAPER JAMPAGES:####PAUSED