User manual SEFELEC 5x Series 127 v1.06General rules of the sequence mode:Each step consists of a line comprising:• a check box that allows the step to be selected so that it can be deleted (bin icon), put instandby or reactivated (no entry icon). It is possible to make a multiple selection of sev-eral lines to delete them or put them in standby. The lines disabled are greyed out com-pletely.• An order number in the x/n format which gives the ranking x of the step over a total of nsteps• the name of the function• the associated settings file. Pressing the file name (in yellow) allows to access a list ofavailable files or to enter titles and texts.Prolonged pressure on a step puts the line in brightness and allows to move it by dragging it onthe screen towards the top or bottom.The measurement function settings files called by the sequence mode must not use the Perma-nent mode of the timer.Each addition, deletion or change to a step line is automatically saved under the name of theSequence file; "default" in the example below:It is possible to change the sequence file name by pressing on the name and typing in the newname.Spaces are not allowed in the file name, use the dash (-) or the underscore (_) as a separator.Special characters such as @, €, £, $, &, μ, (), {}, etc. are not allowed in the file names. The filename can contain at least 50 characters.When validating the machine proposes to keep the old file and to duplicate or rename it withoutkeeping the original version.The exploration of all the step lines is done by placing one’s finger on the LCD screen and drag-ging to the top (to go toward the end) or the bottom (to go towards the beginning)