User manual SEFELEC 5x Series 162 v1.06SYNTAX RULESA command destined for the device should preferably end by the character: LF (hexadec-imal 0A, decimal 10).The codes can be sent in upper case or lower case. The maximum number of commandsin the same block must not exceed 15 instructions. Take care not to associate normalizedorders or queries with other types of commands.Events occurring during the measurement can be reported to the computer by the issu-ance of an SRQ (error format, end of test, safety loop open, etc.). To activate this functionit is necessary to send the SRQ code after initialization of the device. During the occur-rence of such an event, it is necessary to examine the internal registers of the IEEE488controller (STB, SRE, etc.) to find out more precisely the reasons for the event.In the case of incorrect syntax the dialogue error 1 message is displayed. In the case of acode out of context the dialogue error 2 message: is displayed (a code specific to a func-tion when we are not in this function, or a digital value outside the limits).IEEE-488-1 FUNCTIONS SUPPORTEDSH1,AH1,T6,L4,SR1,RL1,PP0,DC1,DT0 and C0LIST OF IEEE488 COMMANDSThe syntax of the commands sent on the IEEE-488 connection has been made consistentwith the IEEE488-2 standard (1992 revision).Reminders of the digital formats according to the IEEE488-2 standard.NR1 format: +/-...NR2 format: +/-.......NR3 format: +/-.......E+/-...Note: The codes in brackets are the expanded codes that can be interpreted by the de-vice.The command set the of the IEEE488 option is the same as that of the RS232 interface. Itis described in detail in the RS-232C interface paragraph.