User manual SEFELEC 5x Series 157 v1.06MEASUREMENT-DISCHARGE CYCLENote:The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) function must be select-ed in the configuration menu (Interface: PLC).To make a measurement (see diagram no. 2)Activate the CTRLIN signal (High Logic state).The PLC must specify the measurement function on the standard input.The PLC must choose a setting number that will be encoded in binary on inputs N0 toN7, N0 being the least significant bit and N7 being the most significant bit.Put the signal MES_DCH at the high logic state to start the measurement. Note: Thestatus of the inputs CTRLIN, Type, N0 to N7 are only taken into account on a risingedge of the MES_DCH signal. This signal must be in the high state during the meas-urement.As soon as the first measurement is done, the device sends a CTRLOUT signalwhich remains stable until the validation (by a rising edge of the signal MES_DCH) ofthe setting to the low state of the CTRLIN signal. Other signals may appear depend-ing on the progress of the test: an error signal (ERROR), an end of test (EOT) signal,and a signal indicating if the test is PASS or FAIL (PLCPASS or PLCFAIL). All thesesignals are active at the high logic state.To switch to discharge, put the signal MES_DCH at a low level. To restore the local controlto the device, eliminate the high state on the CTRLIN signal, enable a high state onMES_DCH, and disable it (see diagram no. 1).Diagram No 1: Disabling of the CTRLOUT signal