User manual SEFELEC 5x Series 177 v1.06The transmission settings are not modifiable and are:Parity: WithoutFormat: 8 bitsStop bit: 1To change the speed of transmission, go into the Config menu, on the interface line and se-lect RS232. In the Bit/s area choose the flow by scrolling through the values between1.2 kbauds and 115.2 kbauds. Validate by pressing the desired digit.A command destined for the device must end with the character: LF (hexadecimal 0A,decimal 10).The codes can be sent in upper case or lower case. The maximum number of commandsin the same block must not exceed 15 instructions. Take care not to associate normalizedorders or queries with other types of commands.The end of the execution of a block of commands by the device is reported by the issu-ance of the XON character (hexadecimal 11, decimal 17) and allows us to synchronize thecommunication with the computer which must wait for the XON character before sendingthe next blocks.Events occurring during the measurement can be reported to the computer by the issu-ance of a character Z (format errors, end of test, safety loop open, etc.). To activate thisfunction it is necessary to send the SRQ code after initialization of the device. On receiptof the character Z, a special command allows the computer to recognise the event precise-ly (see Commands *STB? and *ESR?).In the case of incorrect syntax the message: dialogue error 1 is displayed. In the case of acode out of context the message: dialogue error 2 is displayed (a code specific to a func-tion when we are not in this function, or a digital value outside the limits).