5-18 N60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Figure 5-4: Supervisory panelFor the Security panel, the following settings are available.Table 5-3: RADIUS server settingsSetting name Description Minimum Maximum Default Units MinimumpermissionPrimary RADIUS IPAddressIP address of the main RADIUS server.Default value indicates no PrimaryRADIUS server is configured, and henceRADIUS is disabled. - AdministratorPrimaryAuthentication PortRADIUS authentication port 1 65535 1812 - AdministratorPrimary AccountingPortRADIUS accounting port 1 65535 1813 - AdministratorVendor ID An identifier that specifies RADIUSvendor-specific attributes used with theprotocolValue thatrepresentsGeneralElectricAdministratorRADIUSAuthentication(Shared) SecretShared secret used in authentication. Itdisplays as asterisks. This setting mustmeet the CyberSentry passwordrequirements.See thePasswordRequirementssection earlierin this chapterSee the followingpassword sectionfor requirementsN/A - AdministratorRADIUSAuthenticationMethodAuthentication method used by RADIUSserver. Currently fixed to EAP-TTLS.EAP-TTLS EAP-TTLS EAP-TTLS - AdministratorTimeout Timeout in seconds between re-transmission requests0 9999 10 sec AdministratorRetries Number of retries before giving up 0 9999 3 - Administrator