5-204 N60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALCONTROL ELEMENTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5There are 48 identical digital elements available, numbered 1 to 48. A digital element can monitor any FlexLogic operandand present a target message and/or enable events recording depending on the output operand state. The digital elementsettings include a name to be referenced in any target message, a blocking input from any selected FlexLogic operand,and a timer for pickup and reset delays for the output operand.DIGITAL ELEMENT 1 INPUT — Selects a FlexLogic operand to be monitored by the digital element.DIGITAL ELEMENT 1 PICKUP DELAY — Sets the required time delay from element pickup to element operation. If a pickup delayis not required, set to "0," To avoid nuisance alarms, set the delay greater than the operating time of the breaker.DIGITAL ELEMENT 1 RESET DELAY — Sets the time delay to reset. If a reset delay is not required, set to “0.”DIGITAL ELEMENT 1 PICKUP LED — This setting enables or disabled the digital element pickup LED. When set to “Disabled,” theoperation of the pickup LED is blocked.Figure 5-101: Digital element logicCircuit monitoring applicationsSome versions of the digital input modules include an active voltage monitor circuit connected across form-A contacts.The voltage monitor circuit limits the trickle current through the output circuit (see technical specifications for form-A).As long as the current through the voltage monitor is above a threshold (see technical specifications for form-A), the ContOp 1 VOn FlexLogic operand is set (for contact input 1—corresponding operands exist for each contact output). If the outputcircuit has a high resistance or the DC current is interrupted, the trickle current drops below the threshold and the Cont Op 1VOff FlexLogic operand is set. Consequently, the state of these operands can be used as indicators of the integrity of thecircuits in which form-A contacts are inserted. DIG ELEM 1 INPUT:OffRange: FlexLogic operand DIG ELEM 1 PICKUPDELAY: 0.000 sRange: 0.000 to 999999.999 s in steps of 0.001 DIG ELEM 1 RESETDELAY: 0.000 sRange: 0.000 to 999999.999 s in steps of 0.001 DIG ELEMENT 1PICKUP LED: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled DIG ELEM 1 BLOCK:OffRange: FlexLogic operand DIGITAL ELEMENT 1TARGET: Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, Disabled DIGITAL ELEMENT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledSETTINGDIGITAL ELEMENT 01FUNCTION:Enabled = 1DIGITAL ELEMENT 01BLOCK:Off = 0FLEXLOGIC OPERANDSDIG ELEM 01 DPODIG ELEM 01 PKPSETTING827042A2.VSDDIGITAL ELEMENT 01INPUT:Off = 0SETTINGINPUT = 1RUN tPKPtRSTDIGITAL ELEMENT 01PICKUP DELAY:SETTINGSDIGITAL ELEMENT 01RESET DELAY:ANDSETTINGDIGITAL ELEMENT 01NAME:DIG ELEM 01 OP