5-140 N60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER ACTIVE — Specifies the pickup threshold for the active power of the source. For single-phase power,1 pu is a product of 1 pu voltage and 1 pu current, or the product of nominal secondary voltage, the VT ratio and thenominal primary current. For the three-phase power, 1 pu is three times that for a single-phase power. The comparatorapplies a 3% hysteresis.PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER REACTIVE — Specifies the pickup threshold for the reactive power of the source. For single-phasepower, 1 pu is a product of 1 pu voltage and 1 pu current, or the product of nominal secondary voltage, the VT ratio andthe nominal primary current. For the three-phase power, 1 pu is three times that for a single-phase power. The comparatorapplies a 3% hysteresis.PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER APPARENT — Specifies the pickup threshold for the apparent power of the source. For single-phasepower, 1 pu is a product of 1 pu voltage and 1 pu current, or the product of nominal secondary voltage, the VT ratio andthe nominal primary current. For the three-phase power, 1 pu is three times that for a single-phase power. The comparatorapplies a 3% hysteresis.PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER PKP TIME — Use to filter out spurious conditions and avoid unnecessary triggering of the recorder.PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER DPO TIME — Use to extend the trigger after the situation returns to normal. This setting is ofparticular importance when using the recorder in the forced mode (recording as long as the triggering condition isasserted).Figure 5-62: Power trigger logic5.5.6.17 df/dt triggeringSETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT 1(6) PMU 1(6)TRIGGERING PMU 1(6) df/dt TRIGGER PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGER PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERRAISE: 0.25 Hz/sRange: 0.10 to 15.00 Hz/s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERFALL: 0.25 Hz/sRange: 0.10 to 15.00 Hz/s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERPKP TIME: 0.10 sRange: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERDPO TIME: 1.00 sRange: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 df/dt TRG BLK:OffRange: FlexLogic operand PMU 1 df/dt TRIGGERTARGET: Self-ResetRange: Self-Reset, Latched, Disabled847011A1.CDRSETTINGSPMU 1 POWERTRIGGER FUNCTION:Enabled = 1PMU 1 PWR TRIG BLK:Off = 0ANDSETTINGSPMU 1 POWER TRIGGER ACTIVE:RUNSETTINGSPMU 1 POWER TRIGGER DPO TIME:tDPOFLEXLOGIC OPERANDPMU 1 POWER TRIGGERFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSPMU 1 FREQ TRIGGERPMU 1 VOLT TRIGGERPMU 1 CURR TRIGGERPMU 1 ROCOF TRIGGERSETTINGPMU 1 USER TRIGGER:Off = 0OR FLEXLOGIC OPERANDPMU 1 TRIGGEREDabs(P) > ACTIVE PICKUPabs(P) > ACTIVE PICKUPabs(P) > ACTIVE PICKUPORabs(P) > 3*(ACTIVE PICKUP)abs(Q) > REACTIVE PICKUPabs(Q) > REACTIVE PICKUPabs(Q) > REACTIVE PICKUPabs(Q) > 3*(REACTIVE PICKUP)S > APPARENT PICKUPS > APPARENT PICKUPS > APPARENT PICKUPS > 3*(APPARENT PICKUP)SETTINGSPMU 1 SIGNAL SOURCE:ACTIVE POWER, PAACTIVE POWER, PBACTIVE POWER, PC3P ACTIVE POWER, PREACTIVE POWER, QAREACTIVE POWER, QBREACTIVE POWER, QC3P REACTIVE POWER, QAPPARENT POWER, SAAPPARENT POWER, SBAPPARENT POWER, SC3P APPARENT POWER, SPMU 1 POWER TRIGGER REACTIVE:PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER APPARENT:to STAT bits ofthe data frameSETTINGSPKPt0PMU 1 POWER TRIGGER PKP TIME:0