CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES STATUSN60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6-766.2.12 Flex StatesACTUAL VALUES STATUS FLEX STATESThere are 256 FlexStateTM bits available. The second line value indicates the state of the given FlexState bit.6.2.13 EthernetACTUAL VALUES STATUS ETHERNETThese values indicate the status of the first, second, and third Ethernet links.6.2.14 Real time clock synchronizingACTUAL VALUES STATUS REAL TIME CLOCK SYNCHRONIZINGRTC Sync Source actual value is the time synchronizing source the relay is using at present. Possible sources are: Port 1 PTPClock, Port 2 PTP Clock, Port 3 PTP Clock, IRIG-B, SNTP, and None.The Grandmaster ID is the grandmasterIdentity code being received from the present PTP grandmaster, if any. When therelay is not using any PTP grandmaster, this actual value is zero. The grandmasterIdentity code is specified by PTP to beglobally unique, so one can always know which clock is grandmaster in a system with multiple grandmaster-capableclocks.Accuracy is the estimated maximum time error at present in the RTC, considering the quality information imbedded in thereceived time signal. The value 999,999,999 indicates that the magnitude of the estimated error is one second or more, orthat the error cannot be estimated.Port 1…3 PTP State is the present state of the port’s PTP clock. The PTP clock state is: FLEX STATES PARAM 1: OffOffRange: On, Off PARAM 256: OffOffRange: On, Off ETHERNET ETHERNET PRI LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK ETHERNET SEC LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK ETHERNET TRD LINKSTATUS: FailRange: Fail, OK REAL TIME CLOCK SYNCHRONIZING RTC Sync Source:NoneRange: see below GrandMaster ID:0X0000000000000000Range: any 8 octet value Accuracy:999,999,999 nsRange: 0 to 999, 999, 999 ns Port 1 PTP State:NO SIGNALRange: Disabled, No Signal, Calibrating, Synch’d (NoPdelay), Synchronized Port 2 PTP State:NO SIGNALRange: Disabled, No Signal, Calibrating, Synch’d (NoPdelay), Synchronized Port 3 PTP State:NO SIGNALRange: Disabled, No Signal, Calibrating, Synch’d (NoPdelay), Synchronized PTP - IRIG-B Delta:500,000,000 nsRange: -500,000,000 to +500,000,000 ns