CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS AND TARGETS TARGETS MENUN60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7-117• What to do: A web page "SFP Transceiver Information" is provided. This page displays the type of the SFP in it. This datais to be used with the CPU type to know the cause of the problem.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A faulty SFP or unplugging the SFP would generate this self test.• What to do: The web page "SFP Transceiver Information" described in the previous section applies for this self test aswell. The "SFP Module Fail" has higher priority and it suppresses the "Ethernet Fail" target message. The "SFP MODULEFAIL FUNCTION" setting enables/disables this self test. The target for this self test is priority-based, with the third onebeing the highest priority. For example, if all three SFP modules fail, then the third SFP target is activated. If the thirdSFP module failure resolves, then the second SFP target is activated.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: There is a limitation when using six PMUs. The self-test trips when any of the followingacceptable conditions are violated.– Two aggregators are allowed when using six PMUs, IEEE C37.118, and a 120/100 reporting rate– One ASDU is allowed when using six PMUs, IEC 90-5, and a 60/50 reporting rate– One ASDU and one aggregator are allowed when using six PMUs, IEC 90-5, and a 120/100 reporting rate• How often the test is performed: Event driven.• What to do: Reconfigure aggregators according to the rules, as follows:– For C37.118 with six PMU software option, the following is acceptable:a. 20/100 reporting rate: 2 aggregators are allowed– For 90-5 with six PMU software option, the following are acceptablea. 60/50 reporting rate: six PMUs can be supported with one ASDU onlyb. 120/100 reporting rate: six PMUs can be supported with one ASDU and one aggregator combination only7.2.2.4 HardFiber self-test error messagesIn addition to those provided by the standard UR-series devices, the UR devices implement HardFiber self-tests. These arelisted here. Any abnormal diagnostic condition indicated by the LEDs or the critical failure relay also results in a self-testmessage, so troubleshooting is described here. For other relays, such at the B95Plus, see that product’s instruction manual.Equipment mismatch major self-test• Description of problem: The number or type of installed hardware modules does not match the order code stored inthe CPU. The standard UR-series Equipment Mismatch self-test is extended to cover the possible presence of aProcess Card.• Severity: Protection is not available and all contact outputs and shared outputs are de-asserted.• What to do: Check all modules against the order code. Ensure they are inserted properly, and cycle the control power.If a module has intentionally been added or removed use the Update Order Code command to notify the relay that thecurrent module configuration is correct.Module failure major self-test• Description of problem: UR-series device module hardware failure detected.• Severity: Protection is not available and all contact outputs and shared outputs are de-asserted.• What to do: Contact the factory and supply the failure code noted in the display. Text in the message identifies thefailed module (for example, H81). If operated on a Process Card failure, the Module Fail self-test seals-in (latches) till theUR-series device is restarted.SFP MODULE x FAILSelf-Test ErrorAGGR CONFIG MISMATCH