5-190 N60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALCONTROL ELEMENTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5TRIP BUS 1 LATCHING — This setting enables or disables latching of the trip bus output. This is typically used when lockout isrequired or user acknowledgement of the relay response is required.TRIP BUS 1 RESET — The trip bus output is reset when the operand assigned to this setting is asserted. Note that the RESET OPoperand is pre-wired to the reset gate of the latch, As such, a reset command from the front panel interface or viacommunications resets the trip bus output.Figure 5-93: Trip bus logic5.8.3 Setting groupsSETTINGS CONTROL ELEMENTS SETTING GROUPSThe setting groups menu controls the activation and deactivation of up to six possible groups of settings in the GROUPEDELEMENTS settings menu. The active setting group can be indicated on the front display of the UR by configuring User-Programmable LEDs to display the state of the SETTING GROUP ACT FlexLogic operands. SETTING GROUPS SETTING GROUPSFUNCTION: EnabledRange: Disabled, Enabled SETTING GROUPS BLK:OffRange: FlexLogic operand GROUP 2 ACTIVATE ON:OffRange: FlexLogic operand GROUP 6 ACTIVATE ON:OffRange: FlexLogic operand GROUP 1 NAME: Range: up to 16 alphanumeric characters GROUP 6 NAME: Range: up to 16 alphanumeric characters SETTING GROUPEVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled* * *SETTINGS= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 2= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 1= OffTRIP BUS 1 INPUT 16ORSETTINGS= EnabledTRIP BUS 1FUNCTION= OffTRIP BUS 1 BLOCK ANDANDLatchSRNon-volatile,set-dominantSETTINGS= EnabledTRIP BUS 1LATCHING= OffTRIP BUS 1 RESETFLEXLOGIC OPERANDTRIP BUS 1 PKPORSETTINGSTRIP BUS 1 PICKUPDELAYTRIP BUS 1 RESETDELAYT PKPT RSTFLEXLOGIC OPERANDRESET OPFLEXLOGIC OPERANDTRIP BUS 1 OP842023A1.CDR