5-238 N60 NETWORK STABILITY AND SYNCHROPHASOR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALINPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5The DIR ANA 1 INTEGRITY to DIR ANA 32 INTEGRITY, DIR ANA 1 DEADBAND to DIR ANA 32 DEADBAND, and DIR ANA 1 FORCED to DIR ANA32 FORCED FlexLogic operands are provided to indicate the most recent trigger condition: Only one operand can be active(logic 1) at any time. If a direct device is offline, all of the associated trigger operands are inactive (logic 0).The figure illustrates the operation of the direct analogs feature. In this example, UR-1 is configured to use four out of its 32analog channels. These four values are selected from two sources. UR-2 is configured to receive two out of the four analogvalues sent, and UR-3 is set to receive three values. Note that SRC 2 FREQ is effectively being received at both UR-2 and UR-3.Figure 5-121: Direct analogs sample application5.9.8 Direct integer inputs and outputs5.9.8.1 MenuSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT INTEGERSThe direct integers feature allows the transmission of integer values between any two UR-series relays that support thefeature. The communication channel is the same as that used for the direct inputs and outputs. When the direct inputs andoutputs, direct analogs, and direct integers features are used together on the same channel, all UR-series relays must beusing firmware version 5.70 or higher. DIRECT INTEGERS DIRECT INTEGER OUTPUTSSee below DIRECT INTEGER INPUTSSee page 5-239UR-2UR-1Pool ofFlexAnalogparametersPool ofFlexAnalogparametersSRC1 PSRC1 PFSRC2 FREQSRC1 V1 MagAnalog Out 1Analog Out 2Analog Out 3Analog Out 4Analog In 7Analog In 3Remote Analog 7UR-3Pool ofFlexAnalogparametersAnalog In 2Analog In 3Remote Analog 2Analog In 9Remote Analog 9TXRXTXRXUR-1 is configured to send fouranalog values as outputs 1, 2, 3,and 4, respectively.UR-2 is configured to receiveand fromUR-1 as direct analog inputs 7and 3, respectively.SRC1 P SRC2 FREQUR-3 is configured to receive, , andfrom UR-1 asdirect analog inputs 2, 3, and 9,respectivelySRC1 PF SRC2 FREQSRC1 V1 MagRemote Analog 3Remote Analog 3847007A1.CDR