190-01146-00 Rev. AGarmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T98AUDIO PANEL AND CNSSYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEXIn the example shown, the VOR list is selected with the VOR Softkey or from the page menu. The FMS Knobor ENT Key is used to scroll through the list. The cursor is placed on the frequency with the FREQ Softkey andloaded into the NAV Tuning Box with the ENT Key.Select theFREQ Softkeyto Place the Cursor onthe VOR FrequencyFigure 4-25 Loading the NAV Frequency from the NRST – Nearest VOR PagePress theENTKey to Loadthe Frequencyinto the NAVStandby Field.Select theVOR Softkeyto Place the Cursor onthe VOR Identifier