190-01146-00 Rev. A Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 281HAZARD AVOIDANCESYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEXThe traffic mode is annunciated in the upper left corner of the Traffic Map Page. When the aircraft is on theground, TIS automatically enters Standby Mode. If traffic is selected for display on another map while StandbyMode is selected, the traffic display enabled icon is crossed out (also the case whenever TIS has failed). Oncethe aircraft is airborne, TIS switches to Operating Mode and traffic information is displayed. The mode can bechanged manually using softkeys or the page menu.Mode Traffic Mode Annunciation(Traffic Map Page)Traffic Display Enabled Icon(Other Maps)TIS Operating OPERATINGTIS Standby STANDBY(also shown in white in center of page)TIS Failed* FAIL* See Table 6-5 for additional failure annunciationsTable 6-4 TIS ModesSwitching between TIS modes:1) Select the Traffic Map Page.2) Press the STANDBY or OPERATE Softkey to switch between modes. The mode is displayed in the upper leftcorner of the Traffic Map Page.Or:a) Press the MENU Key.b) Select ‘Operate Mode’ or ‘Standby Mode’ (choice dependent on current state) and press the ENT Key.