190-01146-00 Rev. A Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006TSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX301APPENDIX AMessage CommentsDB MISMATCH – Aviation databaseversion mismatch. Xtalk is off.The PFD and MFD have different aviation database versions installed. Crossfill is off.Install correct aviation database version in both displays.DB MISMATCH – Aviation databasetype mismatch. Xtalk is off.The PFD and MFD have different aviation database types installed (Americas,European, etc.). Crossfill is off. Install correct aviation database type in both displays.DB MISMATCH – Terrain databaseversion mismatch.The PFD and MFD have different terrain database versions installed. Crossfill is off.Install correct terrain database version in both displays.DB MISMATCH – Terrain databasetype mismatch.The PFD and MFD have different terrain database types installed. Crossfill is off.Install correct terrain database type in both displays.DB MISMATCH – Obstacle databaseversion mismatch.The PFD and MFD have different obstacle database versions installed. Crossfill is off.Install correct obstacle database version in both displays.DB MISMATCH – Airport Terraindatabase mismatch.The PFD and MFD have different airport terrrain databases installed. Crossfill is off.Install correct airport terrain database in both displays.GMA 1347 MESSAGE ADVISORIESMessage CommentsGMA1 FAIL – GMA1 is inoperative. The audio panel self-test has detected a failure. The audio panel is unavailable. TheG950 system should be serviced.GMA1 CONFIG – GMA1 configurationerror. Config service req’d.The audio panel configuration settings do not match backup configuration memory.The G950 system should be serviced.MANIFEST – GMA1 softwaremismatch. Communication halted.The audio panel has incorrect software installed. The G950 system should beserviced.GMA1 SERVICE – GMA1 needsservice. Return unit for repair.The audio panel self-test has detected a problem in the unit. Certain audio functionsmay still be available, and the audio panel may still be usable. The G950 systemshould be serviced when possible.GIA 63W MESSAGE ADVISORIESMessage CommentsGIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 config error.Config service req’d. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 configuration settings do not match backup configurationmemory. The G950 system should be serviced.GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 config error.Config service req’d.GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 audio configerror. Config service req’d. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 have an error in the audio configuration. The G950 systemshould be serviced.GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 audio configerror. Config service req’d.GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 temperaturetoo low. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too low to operate correctly. Allow units towarm up to operating temperature.GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 temperaturetoo low.GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 overtemperature. The GIA1 and/or GIA2 temperature is too high. If problem persists, the G950 systemshould be serviced.GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 overtemperature.