190-01146-00 Rev. A Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 3SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX• GDC 74A (1) – The Air Data Computer (ADC) processes data from the pitot/static system and outside airtemperature (OAT) sensor. The ADC provides pressure altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, and OAT informationto the G950 System, and it communicates with the primary IAU, displays, and AHRS using an ARINC 429digital interface.• GTX 33 (1) – The solid-state Transponder provides Modes A, C, and S capability and communicates with bothIAUs through an RS-232 digital interface.• GRS 77 (1) – The Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) provides aircraft attitude and headinginformation via ARINC 429 to both PFDs and the primary IAU. The AHRS contains advanced sensors (includingaccelerometers and rate sensors) and interfaces with the Magnetometer to obtain magnetic field information,with the ADC to obtain air data, and with both IAUs to obtain GPS information. AHRS operation is discussedin Section 1.4, System Operation.• GMU 44 (1) – The Magnetometer measures local magnetic field and sends data to the AHRS for processing todetermine aircraft magnetic heading. This unit receives power directly from the AHRS and communicates withit via an RS-485 digital interface.