190-01146-00 Rev. A Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 25SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX1.6 ACCESSING G950 FUNCTIONALITYMENUSThe G950 has a dedicated MENU Key that when pressed displays a context-sensitive list of options. Thisoptions list allows the user to access additional features or make settings changes which specifically relate tothe currently displayed window/page. There is no all-encompassing menu. Some menus provide access toadditional submenus that are used to view, edit, select, and review options. Menus display ‘NO OPTIONS’when there are no options for the window/page selected. The main controls used in association with allwindow/page group operations are described in Section 1.5, G950 Controls.Navigating a menu:1) Press the MENU Key to display the menu.2) Turn the FMS Knob to scroll through a list of available options (a scroll bar always appears to the right of thewindow/box when the option list is longer than the window/box).3) Press the ENT Key to select the desired option.4) Press the CLR Key or the FMS Knob to remove the menu and cancel the operation.Figure 1-24 Page Menu ExamplesNo Options forNRST WindowOptions for FPL WindowDATA ENTRYThe method for directly entering alphanumeric data (e.g., Flight ID, waypoint identifiers, barometric minimumdescent altitude) into the G950 is by using the FMS Knob corresponding to the display (PFD, MFD).In some instances, such as when entering an identifier, the G950 tries to predict the desired identifier basedon the characters being entered. In this case, if the desired identifier appears, use the ENT Key to confirm theentry without entering the rest of the identifier manually. This can save the pilot from entering all the charactersof the identifier.