Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 190-01146-00 Rev. A244FLIGHT MANAGEMENTSYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEXl) V4 is now loaded into the flight plan as shown in Figure 5-110.Figure 5-110 V4 is Loaded in the Flight Plan5) Making V4 the active leg of the flight plan.a) Press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor.b) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight SLN. The TO waypoint of the leg is selected in order to activate the leg.c) Press the ACT LEG Softkey. The confirmation window is now displayed as in Figure 5-111. Note the TOP toSLN leg is actually part of V4.Figure 5-111 Comfirm Active Leg