Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 190-01146-00 Rev. A32SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEXPILOT PROFILESSystem settings may be saved under a pilot profile. When the system is powered on, the last selectedpilot profile is shown on the MFD Power-up Screen (Figure 1-5). The G950 can store up to 25 profiles;the currently active profile, the amount of memory used, and the amount of memory available are shown atthe top of the System Setup Page in the box labeled ‘Pilot Profile’. From here, pilot profiles may be created,selected, renamed, or deleted.Creating a profile:1) Use the FMS Knob to select the AUX - System Setup Page.2) Press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘CREATE’ in the Pilot Profile Box.4) Press the ENT Key. A ‘Create Profile’ window is displayed.5) Use the FMS Knob to enter a profile name up to 16 characters long and press the ENT Key. Pilot profile namescannot begin with a blank as the first letter.6) In the next field, use the small FMS Knob to select the desired settings upon which to base the new profile.Profiles can be created based on Garmin factory defaults, default profile settings (initially based on Garminfactory defaults unless edited by the pilot), or current system settings.7) Press the ENT Key.8) With ‘CREATE’ highlighted, press the ENT Key to create the profileOr:Use the large FMS Knob to select ‘CREATE and ACTIVATE’ and press the ENT Key to activate the new profile.9) To cancel the process, select ‘CANCEL’ with the large FMS Knob and press the ENT Key.Selecting an active profile:1) Use the FMS Knob to select the AUX - System Setup Page.2) Press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the active profile field in the Pilot Profile Box.4) Turn the small FMS Knob to display the pilot profile list and highlight the desired profile.5) Press the ENT Key. The G950 loads and displays the system settings for the selected profile.Renaming a profile:1) Use the FMS Knob to select the AUX - System Setup Page.2) Press the FMS Knob momentarily to activate the flashing cursor.3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight ‘RENAME’ in the Pilot Profile Box.4) Press the ENT Key.5) In the ‘Rename Profile’ window, turn the FMS Knob to select the profile to rename.