Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 190-01146-00 Rev. A222FLIGHT MANAGEMENTSYSTEMOVERVIEWFLIGHTINSTRUMENTSEISAUDIO PANEL& CNSFLIGHTMANAGEMENTHAZARDAVOIDANCEAFCSADDITIONALFEATURESAPPENDICESINDEXViewing available departures at an airport:1) From the Airport Information Page (first page in the WPT group), press the DP Softkey. The Departure InformationPage is displayed, defaulting to the airport displayed on the Airport information Page.2) To select another airport, press the FMS Knob to activate the cursor, enter an identifier/facility name/city, andpress the ENT Key.3) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the Departure. The departure is previewed on the map.4) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available departures. Press the ENT Key to select the departure. The cursormoves to the Runway box. The departure is previewed on the map.5) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available runways. Press the ENT Key to select the runway. The cursormoves to the Transition box (only if there are available transitions). The departure is previewed on the map.6) Turn the small FMS Knob to view the available transitions. Press the ENT Key to select the transition. The cursormoves to the Sequence box. The departure is previewed on the map.7) Press the INFO Softkey to return to the Airport Information Page.REMOVING A DEPARTURE FROM THE ACTIVE FLIGHT PLANWhen plans change while flying IFR, departures can be easily removed from the Active Flight Plan.Removing a departure procedure from the active flight plan:1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page (MFD) or the Active Flight Plan Window (PFD).2) Press the MENU Key, and highlight ‘Remove Departure’.3) Press the ENT Key. A confirmation window is displayed listing the departure procedure.4) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. To cancel the removal request, highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENTKey.Or:1) Press the FPL Key to display the Active Flight Plan Page (MFD) or the Active Flight Plan Window (PFD)2) Press the FMS Knob, and turn to highlight the departure header in the active flight plan.3) Press the CLR Key. A confirmation window is displayed listing the departure procedure.4) With ‘OK’ highlighted, press the ENT Key. To cancel the removal request, highlight ‘CANCEL’ and press the ENTKey.5) Press the FMS Knob to remove the flashing cursor.