190-01146-00 Rev. A Garmin G950 Pilot’s Guide for the Tecnam P2006T 19SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEMOVERVIEW FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS EIS AUDIO PANEL& CNS FLIGHTMANAGEMENT HAZARDAVOIDANCE AFCS ADDITIONALFEATURES APPENDICES INDEX5 Joystick Turn to change map rangePress to activate Map Pointer for map panning6 CRS/BARO Knob Turn large knob for altimeter barometric pressure settingTurn small knob to adjust course (only when HSI is in VOR or OBS Mode)Press to re-center the CDI and return course pointer directly TO bearing of activewaypoint/station7 COM Knob Turn to tune COM transceiver standby frequencies (large knob for MHz; small forkHz)Press to toggle light blue tuning box between COM1 and COM2The selected COM (green) is controlled with the COM MIC Key (Audio Panel).8 COM FrequencyTransfer Key(EMERG)Transfers the standby and active COM frequenciesPress and hold 2 seconds to tune the emergency frequency (121.5 MHz) automaticallyinto the active frequency field9 COM VOL/SQ Knob Turn to control COM audio volume level (shown as a percentage in the COMFrequency Box)Press to turn the COM automatic squelch ON/OFF10 Direct-to Key ( ) Activates the direct-to function and allows the user to enter a destination waypointand establish a direct course to the selected destination (specified by identifier,chosen from the active route)11 FPL Key Displays flight plan information12 CLR Key(DFLT MAP)Erases information, cancels entries, or removes menusPress and hold to display the MFD Navigation Map Page (MFD only).13 MENU Key Displays a context-sensitive list of options for accessing additional features or makingsetting changes14 PROC Key Gives access to IFR departure procedures (DPs), arrival procedures (STARs), andapproach procedures (IAPs) for a flight plan or selected airport15 ENT Key Validates/confirms menu selection or data entry16 FMS Knob(Flight ManagementSystem Knob)Press to turn the selection cursor ON/OFF.Data Entry: With cursor ON, turn to enter data in the highlighted field (largeknob moves cursor location; small knob selects character for highlighted cursorlocation)Scrolling: When a list of information is too long for the window/box, a scroll barappears, indicating more items to view. With cursor ON, turn large knob to scrollthrough the list.Page Selection: Turn knob on MFD to select the page to view (large knob selects apage group; small knob selects a specific page from the group)17 Softkey SelectionKeysPress to select softkey shown above the bezel key on the PFD/MFD display18 ALT Knob Sets the Selected Altitude, shown above the Altimeter (the large knob selects thethousands, the small knob selects the hundreds)